Blog Category: Strategy
Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast.
From Strength to Strategic Advantage: Your Core Competencies
Navigating Strategy Challenges for Sustainable Business Growth
Have You Set Your BHAG?
Have You Found Your Hedgehog?
Radical Alignment to a Core Strategy
The Difference a Gravitas Impact Premium Coach Makes | Research Findings
There is a common misconception in the business world that CEOs at the top of their game do not require the services of a business coach. A survey recently conducted by Gravitas Impact Premium Coaches on results before and after receiving coaching from one of their business growth consultants reveals a different story.
How relevant is your medium-term strategy?
I am currently working with business owners and senior leadership teams as they review their medium-term strategy. Some have wondered if there is still too much uncertainty to be able to move forward or feel that they cannot see enough of what the future will hold to be able to commit to a plan beyond the next few months. Here is my advice…
Pivoting – The difference between success and failure.
Whilst it is an incredibly challenging time for business, many companies will survive and recover. For a number of companies, COVID-19 has provided their organisations with an opportunity to innovate and thrive.