Leadership | 7 Attributes of Agile Growth

Leadership | 7 Attributes of Agile Growth

Is your team authentic, healthy and aligned?

A good leadership team is one that has the experience and knowledge to set the goals and vision for your company. A great leadership team is one that is able to grow and adapt alongside the company as it grows. They work together to achieve set outcomes and are invested in the company’s future.

The 7 Attributes of Agile Growth creates an executive leadership team that is united in its vision, continuously seeking to perform at a high level of engagement and is entrusted by others to lead the company forward.

Discover your leadership team baseline by completing our assessment then make an appointment with Leigh Paulden to discuss how the 7 Attributes of Agile Growth will work for you.

Mini Assessment

Are your CEO and leadership teams the best that they can be? Are you a business leader who is worried that your problems may be caused by ineffective leadership?

We have a simple yet powerful tool developed to help you assess your leadership teams’ ability to grow your company.


Creating A Culture of Accountability

The best strategies and market opportunities in the world mean nothing if you’re not able to execute your plans and get things done. A culture of crisp, rigorous accountability enables effective execution, retains high performers, and improves the sense of collaboration, winning and fun in your business.

With these outcomes in mind, the need to improve accountability in almost every organization is clear. This book will show you how.

Leadership Resources

As a Business Growth Strategist, Leigh Paulden offers you access to an exclusive library of practical and internationally proven resources and tools as part of the 7 Attributes of Agile Growth frame-work. The library includes reference material from the well-known authors, business consultants and CEO’s with proven knowledge and experience in what it takes to lead a company to commercial success and longevity. Leigh’s own experience and knowledge has enabled him to create an extensive body of literature that is updated and expanded on a regular basis.

Recommended Reading

Start With Why | 7 Attributes: Leadership

Start with Why

Author: Simon Sinek

What have the leaders who have influenced the world all had in common? Simon Sinek says it is all about the importance of Why.

7 Highly Effective Habits | 7 Attributes: Leadership

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Author: Stephen R. Covey

The long-time, best-selling book about a holistic, integrated, principle-centred approach to solving personal and profession problems, at work and home.

Multipliers Book Cover


Author: Liz Wiseman

Discover how differences in leadership affect the long term viability of your company.

Leader Shift | 7 Attributes: Leadership

Leader Shift

Author: John C. Maxwell

Learn how to be a leader that innovates, improves and influences others.

Breakthrough Leadership Team | 7 Attributes: Leadership

Breakthrough Leadership Team

Author: Mike Goldman

Develop a leadership team of A-players that will take your business from good to great.

Your Oxygen Mask First | 7 Attributes: Leadership

Your Oxygen Mask First

Author: Kevin N. Lawrence

Discover the 17 habits that keep leaders at the top of their field whilst still having a life outside of work.

Made to Thrive | 7 Attributes: Leadership

Made to Thrive

Author: Brad Giles

Provides a step-by-step process for leaders to identify their key opportunities, go beyond their comfort zone and learn the tools that make a successful leader.

Activators | 7 Attributes: Leadership


Author: Mark E. Green

Why do leaders hesitate when making critical decisions? Learn how to clear the blockages in your way.

Get on the path to success

Are you ready to clarify your goals, refine your systems and create strategies for scalable sustainable business growth? Contact Leigh to discover how he can help move your business forward.