Can you state your strategy in a sentence?
A well-executed strategy is the driving engine behind strong top line growth. It encompasses all areas of a business and requires structure, direction, data, process and alignment. How well is your current strategy working for you? Are you achieving the revenue growth you want?
If your top line revenue is flat, declining or not meeting your expectations, it is most likely a strategy issue.
Take the 7 Attributes of Agile Growth assessment and discover if your strategy is a help or a hindrance to your company’s performance.
Strategy Resources
As a Business Growth Strategist, Leigh Paulden offers you access to an exclusive library of practical and internationally proven resources and tools as part of the 7 Attributes of Agile Growth frame-work. The library includes reference material from the well-known authors, business consultants and CEO’s who know how to create a strategy that will drive your company and provide you with the tools and resources to do this. Working alongside you, Leigh will help you embed a strategy that provides the results you are looking for is adaptable in an ever changing market.
Recommended Reading

Great By Choice
Author: Jim Collins & Morten T. Hansen
9 years of research unmasks why some companies thrive on uncertainty and others do not. N.B. it has nothing to do with luck.

Uncommon Service
Author: Frances Frei & Anne Morriss
Customer service is an integral part of your business strategy. Discover how to weave service into every core decision you make.
The Mind of the Strategist
Author: Kenichi Ohmae
What strategies have companies in Japan used to be successful and what lessons can they provide for the rest of the world?
Jobs To Be Done
Author: Stephen Wunker
Successful innovation doesn’t begin in the board room, it starts with the customer and what needs does your product/service fulfil for them. Create a strategy that starts from the bottom.
Hidden Champions
Author: Hermann Simon
These are the companies who have attained global market share without the fanfare. The author explores their success and the strategies that took them there.
How Companies Win
Author: Rick Kash & David Calhoun
Rick Kash is the Chairman of the Cambridge Group and David Calhoun is the CEO of Neilsen. Together they present a guide to creating a demand-based business model.
Competitive Advantage
Author: Michael E. Porter
Achieve a competitive advantage over another through integration of your strategy with your suppliers and customers.
Blue Ocean Shift: Beyond Competing
Author: W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne
Combines the insights of human psychology with practical market-creating tools and real-world guidance, to create a definitive guide to shifting your business to new levels of confidence, market creation, and growth.